Apollo server lambda callback function not working on v3.x version

Currently my graphql project is working on :

"apollo-server-lambda": "^2.24.0",
"graphql": "^15.8.0",

And I m doing something like below in with my handler:

 exports.graphqlHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
      const callbackFilter = async (error, output) => {
        // do something with error / output : like save them on aws s3 bucket
       // or make an api call. 

        callback(error, output);  
      return server.createHandler()(event, context, callbackFilter);

this allow me intercept response / errors just before sending it to client.

Now my project requirement is to update apollo-server-lambda and graphql to latest version:

"apollo-server-lambda": "^^3.6.2",
"graphql": "^16.2.0",

but that above callbackFilter function stops working after the update. lambda does not invoke this callbackFilter function.
look like it just bypass callbackFilter. Everthing else works fine. I m able to hit my /gql end point and getting proper response.

but anything inside callbackFilter fn doesn’t execute .
Do I need to change something in my handler ?


one update:
apollo-server/CHANGELOG.md at main · apollographql/apollo-server (github.com)
on apollo changelog v3.0.0:
I got this about apollo-server-lambda

  • apollo-server-lambda : The handler returned by createHandler can now only be called as an async function returning a Promise (it no longer optionally accepts a callback as the third argument).
    • All current Lambda Node runtimes support this invocation mode (so exports.handler = server.createHandler() will keep working without any changes).
    • If you’ve written your own handler that calls the handler returned by createHandler with a callback, you’ll need to handle its Promise return value instead.

for this line:

  • If you’ve written your own handler that calls the handler returned by createHandler with a callback, you’ll need to handle its Promise return value instead.

I m not sure how to achieve this in my case.