How can I add a new item to a cached root query that is parameterized - and also has a sub-array?

I have a mutation that returns a new object that I want to add to an array of objects that is part of a graph in a parameterized root query. I have multiple root queries by the same name but have different parameters. I need to add the new “comment” object into comments array within the correct cached “post”. I searched and found apollo-augmented-hooks but I’m not sure how to use it, especially to add it to the array that is within that cached object.


The “CommentsConnection” object for that key has a __typename and an “edges” array of “CommentEdge”. I want to add a new comment into that “edges” array:

  "__typename": "CommentsConnection",
  "edges": [
      "__typename": "CommentEdge",
      "node": {
        "__ref": "Comment:d76c3549-daae-4ac0-bf4b-6a089f2c4346"
      "__typename": "CommentEdge",
      "node": {
        "__ref": "Comment:af46fdf9-041b-4457-b255-28851cfd8879"
  "pageInfo": {
    "__typename": "PageInfo",
    "endCursor": "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjI=",
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "startCursor": ""

I attached a screenshot of my cache for reference.
I’m new to Apollo, so I really appreciate the help!