Using Apollo with AppSync directly on iOS

I do not have a solution but am experiencing the same problem on Mac with Node.js (v16) - my code is described in [SOLVED] Using `client.subscribe` does not work? (to AppSync, from Node) When I add logs to the ws implementation, I see:

ws.msg {"type":"connection_ack","payload":{"connectionTimeoutMs":300000}}
ws.msg {"type":"ka"}
ws.msg {"type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"UnsupportedOperation","message":"unknown not supported through the realtime channel"}]}}

I suppose I got to the “connection init ack” as described in the docs. The error then I guess comes from AppSync. However the Python client - also referenced from my post - works just fine. There the messages are:

### opened ###
>> {"type": "connection_init"}
### message ###
<< {"type":"connection_ack","payload":{"connectionTimeoutMs":300000}}
>> {"id": "04acda54-438d-4558-8472-211b76df0f73", "payload": {"data": "{\"query\": \"subscription JhTestSubscription {onOrderAndRequestOwnerConsent(id: \\\"281c6d08-146b-4b05-aeb9-ef12c5ed1cc5\\\") {id,orderId,state}}\", \"variables\": {}}", "extensions": {"authorization": {"host": "<secret>", "x-api-key": "da2-<secret>"}}}, "type": "start"}