Apollo gateway caching

I have service Test-Service which provides some data via graphql and Apollo Gateway. And I would like to cache requests on Apollo gateway, but it doesn’t work, I still see in logs of Test-Service that it receives requests. Here is code of Apollo Gateway

import {ApolloServer} from'@apollo/server'
import {ApolloGateway, IntrospectAndCompose} from '@apollo/gateway'
import {hiveApollo} from'@graphql-hive/client'
import {KeyvAdapter} from"@apollo/utils.keyvadapter"
import {ApolloServerPluginCacheControl} from"@apollo/server/plugin/cacheControl"
import {startStandaloneServer} from'@apollo/server/standalone'
// const Keyv = require("keyv");
import {InMemoryLRUCache} from "@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache"
import responseCachePlugin from '@apollo/server-plugin-response-cache';

const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
    supergraphSdl: new IntrospectAndCompose({
        subgraphs: [
            {name: 'test-service', url: 'http://test-service-svc/graphql'}
        pollIntervalInMs: 5000

async function startApolloServer() {
    const server = new ApolloServer({
        plugins: [
        // cache: new KeyvAdapter(new Keyv({
        //         url: "redis://graphql-gateway-redis:6379",
        //         sentinels: [
        //             {host: "graphql-gateway-redis", port: 26379}
        //         ]
        //     })
        // )
        cache: new InMemoryLRUCache(),
        cacheControl: {
            defaultMaxAge: 50,

    const {url} = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
        listen: {port: 4000}

    console.log(`🚀  Server ready at: ${url}`)


As you can see I also tried using redis. And here is example schema:

type Query {
        userId: Int
    ): [Response]

        userId: Int
    ): [Response] @cacheControl(maxAge: 30)

type Response @cacheControl(maxAge: 30) {
    id: Int,
    createdAt: DateTime, @cacheControl(maxAge: 10),
    firstName: String