Apollo update after mutation working without paramaters?

I have an odd situation that seems to be working, but might not be per design according to the documentation.

I have a mutation:

  // AddMovieToDashboard.tsx

  const [addUserToMovie] = useMutation(resolvers.mutations.AddUserToMovie);
  const addMovie = async (movie: IMovie) => {
    await addUserToMovie({
      variables: {...movie, tmdb_id: movie.id},
      update: (cache) => {
          fields: {
            moviesFromUser: () => {},

This mutation adds a movie to a database table and creates a many to many relation between a user and the movie. I’ve added the update function because before I was using reactive variables to store the new movie array in a reactive variable and in a different component I would react if that variable would’ve changed to render a new view. But I’ve read that it’s better to do this directly on the cache. It saves a lot of code at least.

In my MovieOverview component I render a list of movies added by the user:

// MovieOverview

const MovieOverview = () => {
  const {error, loading, data: {moviesFromUser: movies} = {}} =
    useQuery(resolvers.queries.ReturnMoviesFromUser, {
      variables: {userId: currentUserVar().id},

  if (error) return (<div>error</div>);
  if (loading) return (<div>loading...</div>);

  return (

So now when I add a movie the MovieOverview component rerenders and it does a request to the server for a list of movies which then returns the updated list increasing the movies.length by 1.

So while this is all working I have a feeling there’s something going wrong because I believe I don’t need the query in the MovieOverview component to grab the new array from the server.

I’m not sure why the above code forces the MovieOverview component to rerender, but I did figure out that if I added the response from the mutation (which is an array of all the movies) to the return of the custom moviesFromUser fields function the MovieOverview component does a rerender BUT without actually querying the ReturnMoviesFromUser again, so no unnecessary server calls!

await addUserToMovie({
        variables: {...movie, tmdb_id: movie.id},
        update: (cache, {data}) => {
            fields: {
              moviesFromUser: () => {
                return [...data.addUserToMovie];