Hello, I install the latest Apollo version (1.0.6) via SPM, everything is okay when debugging, but I got a problem when distributing that needs macos Certificate since I just need to build for ios.
Is there anyone have this problem who can help me out? Thank you so much!
Hi @han_le_duy , this is part of Apple process for building iOS apps for devices. I would recommend starting at the Apple code-signing docs to generate the cert and associate it with your app store submission.
Hi @watson , thank you for your reply.
Yes, I already created a certificate distribution for ios devices. If I back to the version 0.53.0 with cocoapod, I can distribute normally. But if I upgrade to the latest version and using SPM. It requires Macos certificate when distribution. Do I need to generate a certificate for macos also since I just need for iOS only. Thank you!
You can see the Mac App Distribution on the second section of errors in the image I posted above.
Do I need to generate a certificate for macos also since I just need for iOS only.
@han_le_duy there is nothing in Apollo iOS that requires you to do code signing, that is entirely dependent on your app and where you plan to distribute it.
If I back to the version 0.53.0 with cocoapod, I can distribute normally.
Is this changing only the dependency in your app or are you rolling back in your git history?
But if I upgrade to the latest version and using SPM. It requires Macos certificate when distribution.
If you use Apollo iOS 1.0.6 with CocoaPods does the problem go away?