Hi, why does my example below work fine with fetchPolicy “network-only”, but not with “cache-first”?
I’m using “relay” style cursor based paging. pageSize = 50, and I got 64 items in total. Here is my field policy:
const typePolicies: TypedTypePolicies = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
Query: {
fields: {
allRetailers: customRelayStylePagination(['filter'])
customRelayStylePagination is just copy-paste from relayStylePagination to debug.
Here is my function to retrieve ALL retailers:
const getAllRetailers = async (showInactiveRetailers: boolean, showInactiveMachines: boolean): Promise<Array<RetailerListItemFragment>> => {
let myCursor = undefined;
let hasNextPage = true;
let result: Array<RetailerListItemFragment> = [];
const filter = showInactiveRetailers
? undefined
: {
machineFilter: showInactiveMachines
? RetailerMachineFilter.HasActiveOrInactiveMachines
: RetailerMachineFilter.HasActiveMachines,
try {
while(hasNextPage) {
const res: ApolloQueryResult<GetRetailerListQuery> = await apolloClient.query<
variables: {
cursor: myCursor,
fetchPolicy: 'cache-first'
myCursor = res.data.allRetailers?.pageInfo.endCursor;
hasNextPage = res.data.allRetailers?.pageInfo.hasNextPage || false;
console.log('hasNext: ' + hasNextPage);
result = res.data.allRetailers?.edges?.map(c => c.node) || [];
console.log('done', result);
return result;
} catch(err) {
throw err;
As mentioned this works fine for “network”, but not when using “cache-first”. I get stuck in a infinite loop where hasNextPage is always true. The first GraphQL request returns 50 items. But then it looks like it doesn’t fire the second GraphQL request when using “cache-first”. Why is that? Doesn’t it understand that I have more pages on the server?
I’m pretty sure I’m doing something wrong, but I dont know what :p:wink:
In this screenshot you can see the result from the read() function. The one on the top is when using “network”. When using “cache-first”, I see two read() where pageInfo is the same as in the bottom one.