Dealing with large objects in the cache

Apollo blocks the main thread for 10s when receiving large objects:

I’m not normalising these large objects:

      // Dimensions can have a large number of items. Creating a cache entry for each item
      // can cause a lot of CPU and memory usage on the client. This embeds dimension items
      // and all structures inside the item into the parent dimension's cache.
      DimensionItem: {
        keyFields: false,

      DimensionMapping: {
        keyFields: false,

      DimensionItemDataSourceLink: {
        keyFields: false,

      DimensionDataSourceLink: {
        keyFields: false,

Is there anything I can do to avoid Apollo from traversing these huge objects? I already tried setting assumeImmutableResults but that didn’t help.

Appreciate your help!

I also created a question a while ago on StackOverflow Apollo client slow for large GraphQL response - Stack Overflow

Did you ever figure anything out with this? This seems related to my problem in Slow updates with large cache.