Directive data not available in the composed supergraph

I’m playing around with the tag and composeDirective with federation 2.0 to see if I can have information specified in the subgraphs centrally read in the gateway but I cannot ever seem to have that data show up in the composed supergraph schema. I’ve created a simple setup with 2 subgraphs and 1 gateway. One of the subgraphs annotates and entity with @tag like this:
type Mission @tag(name: “CUSTOM-TAG”) {…}

the other subgraph has a custom directive taken directly from the apollo composeDirective docs “@myDirective” and that is applied on one field.

When I run the server (typescript gateway) locally and I inspect the composed schema in apolloServer.internals.state.schemaManager.schemaContext.apiSchema I cannot find the @tag, or custom directives anywhere. Am I missing something here?

Is there some way to access the directive data at runtime?