Federated resolver with knowledge of upstream arguments

Hi. I have a query:

  field(withScope: A) { 
    data { ... }  
    otherData { ... } 

I want to federate the resolvers for data and otherData into its own subgraph. These resolvers should return data scoped to the input argument withScope.

The service resolving field isn’t looking up some data it has knowledge of in order to get some foreign key that can be used as a key field for the return type - it’s there to join data and otherData to the same scope. It’s likely that both data and otherData will be requested at the same time.

I’ve considered adding a field to the return type of field that hashes the input arguments as the key to subgraphs, but it feels weird to expose this detail in the external API.

Does marking the field as resolvable by both the data and otherData fields help?

Is there another way?

Thanks, Dan.