Federation v2 - @override Migrating out of monolithic schema

Hello everyone, hope everyone reading is doing alright

As the title reflects, I have a monolithic schema I’m trying to move into smaller subgraphs located in different microservices

So, in Microservice 1; I have the following schema:

type Query {
  entity(id: ID!): Entity! @override(from: "second-service-schema")

type Entity {
 id: ID!
 name: String!

And in Microservice 2:

type Query {
  entity(id: ID!): Entity!

type Entity {
 id: ID!
 name: String!
 status: String!

The issue lies at the time of publishing the subgraph from Microservice 1, I’m getting an error because it does not have the status property from Microservice 2.

I thought that @override at the query field level would also override differences at the attribute existence level. So, unless I’m missing something, I’m thinking that the only possible solution is to map status into Microservice 1 and either always return it as null or mark it as @inaccessible.

Bear in mind that in my case, status is not a string but a complex object that cannot be referenced by ID. Also, for the sake of more context, I have 0 access to Microservice 2’s code.

So, you can say, why if you don’t want the properties in your parent graph, don’t just copy over the missing types into Microservice 1 and mark them as @inaccessible.

Well, there are a good amount of types and it would bloat Microservice 1 until more pieces are removed from Microservice 2, it would also mean keeping the copied over old types in Microservice 1 up to date.

Any idea or suggestion or just general feedback on the approach I’m taking or what approach to take would be greatly appreciated
Leaving over here as well, trace from the parent schema validation:

- cannot find field "Entity.status".

- Cannot move to subgraph "second-service-schema", which has field "Entity.status", because type "Entity" has no @key defined in subgraph "second-service-schema".

Thanks in advance