Function to help build and use schemas in the apollo client


get-fields was made with the intention of using the same graphql schema but with different fields. Where it is not necessary to create a new schema, but change the fields in the function call.

Install with npm

npm i get-fields


For example, if we want to create a schema to access user data, we can use this function in schema creation:

import getFields from "get-fields";

export function GET_USER() {
  const fields = getFields(arguments); // Returns the selected fields
  return gql`
    query {
      getUser {
        ${fields}  // Adds the selected fields inside the *route*

When using the schema, you must pass the fields you want to return separated by commas.

const Profile = () => {
  const { data } = useQuery(GET_USER("id", "name", "contact"));
  // [...]

But if you have to access nested data, you must use nesting object as in the example below:

const Table = () => {
  const { data } = useQuery(
      // object usage
      { name: "createdBy", items: ["_id", "name", "contact"] },
      { name: "service", items: ["_id", "duration", "price"] },
  // [...]

The nesting object are used to access the fields of the fields.
All objects must have two properties:

  • name - Field name;
  • items - Array of fields that will be returned:
    • fields - Strings or nesting object.

Example of using the nesting object:

{ name: "createdBy", items: ["_id", "name", "contact"]}

The example of using createdBy in graphql schema:

query {
  schedules {
    createdBy {

Items can also receive nesting object

{ name: "date",  items: ["id", { name: "location", items: ["street", "house"] }] }

The above example in graphql schema:

query {
  schedules {
    date {
      location {