I have a React app that makes heavy use of Apollo-Client and I’m wondering if there is a way to globally detect if Apollo is loading.
I have loading indicators for most of the site e.g. loading pages, spinners on buttons etc… but I want to setup something that will popup in the corner every time a query or mutation is running, even on refetch.
Is this possible? I’ve had a look at the docs and can’t find anything on the client that suggests there is a global query status like this.
Not sure if there’s a ready-made package, but one way to do it is to create a link that wraps the http link.
Something like (untested)
import {from} from '@apollo/client'
import {getMainDefinition} from '@apollo/client/utilities'
const loadingLink = new ApolloLink(async (operation, forward) => {
if (!forward) {
throw new Error('Cannot be the last link in the chain.')
// determine if operation is loading-notification-worthy
// e.g. maybe not subscriptions
const definition = getMainDefinition(operation)
const isLoading = (
definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
definition.operation !== 'subscription'
// some counter
const out = await forward(operation)
return out
// ...get httpLink, then
const link = from([loadingLink, httpLink])
// ...then use link in ApolloClient