How can I reuse these query/mutation inputs?

I’m in a situation where I have many duplicated queries, which simply access different endpoints but use the same variables.

export const MYQUERY = gql`
  query MyQuery($var1: String, $var2: Int, $var3: Int) {
    myQuery(var1: $var1, var2: $var2, var3: $var3)

export const MYQUERYALT = gql`
  query MyQueryAlt($var1: String, $var2: Int, $var3: Int) {
    myQueryAlt(var1: $var1, var2: $var2, var3: $var3)

Is there anyway I can define the input once and pass the individual props to each variable like below?

export const MYQUERY = gql`
  input MyQueryInput {
    var1: String
    var2: Int
    var3: Int
  query MyQuery($input: MyQueryInput) {
    myQuery(var1: $input.var1, var2: $input.var2, var3: $input.var3)

Or is the only solution to change my endpoint to accommodate for the single object rather than individual parameters? The endpoints are using record types in C#, which if there’s a better way I’d love to know!

public record MyQueryInput(string Var1, int Var2, int Var3);

Did you find an answer to this? I’m looking for the same