How to add headers to the ApolloClient on every graphQL call?

I was using v0.33 and recently updated it to the latest version of Apollo SDK and facing an issue:

In version 0.33 we were using a protocol HTTPNetworkTransportPreflightDelegate and its delegate methods were get called on every graphql calls and hence I add the latest token as headers in the calls-

class GraphQL: NSObject {
    func networkTransport(_ networkTransport: HTTPNetworkTransport, shouldSend request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
        return true

    func networkTransport(_ networkTransport: HTTPNetworkTransport, willSend request: inout URLRequest) {
        var headers = request.allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [String: String]()
        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer <token>"
        headers["X-STATE"] = StaticClass.state
        headers["X-GEO"] = ""
        request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers

And I was creating the Apollo client like this:

class GraphQL: NSObject {
    lazy var networkTransport: HTTPNetworkTransport = {
        let transport = HTTPNetworkTransport(url: URL(string: EndPoints.graphQLURL)!)
        transport.delegate = self
        return transport

    lazy var apollo = ApolloClient(networkTransport: self.networkTransport)

    func performMutation() { ... }
    // Other class methods below

Problem -
After updating it to the latest version the protocol has been removed and hence I can not add headers with latest token in every graphql calls. My token gets change every 20 min.

This is how I am using the code now:

class GraphQL: NSObject {
    private(set) lazy var apollo: ApolloClient = {
        let url = URL(string: EndPoints.graphQLURL)!

        let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        configuration.httpAdditionalHeaders = addHeaders() // Add your headers here

        let client = URLSessionClient(sessionConfiguration: configuration)
        let store = ApolloStore(cache: InMemoryNormalizedCache())
        let provider = DefaultInterceptorProvider(client: client, store: store)
        let networkTransport = RequestChainNetworkTransport(interceptorProvider: provider, endpointURL: url)

        return ApolloClient(networkTransport: networkTransport, store: store)

    func addHeaders() -> [AnyHashable: Any] {
        var headers = [AnyHashable: Any]()
        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer <token>"
        headers["X-STATE"] = StaticClass.state
        headers["X-GEO"] = ""
        return headers

     func performMutation() { ... }

All my graphql methods including initialization and all are in a class name GraphQL and I am using a static var to call these methods:

class GlobalClass {
    static var graphQL = GraphQL()

    // Other stuff

Calling like this:


How can I add / update my token as headers to the ApolloClient object for every call I make?

I would probably use a custom Interceptor and insert it into a custom RequestChain to set the token on each request.

Check out the documentation on advanced network configuration for more information on how to create these. If you have any more questions after reading that documentation, feel free to comment here and I’ll answer them!