How to cancel the observable on a query or tune it to only fire when relevant?

I have a query that I need to use in a number of places to get different information.

As such I define discrete documents for each graph I wish to fetch.

The issue arrises when a subscription updates the query’s data and the cache fires off the observable for all the documents referencing that query regardless of whether the document includes that information or not.

#Doc A
query groupName  { 
   group {
#Doc B
query groupMembers { 
   group  {
        groupMembers {
#Sub - Modifies user details. 
subscription groupMemberDetails { 
     user {  

Updates coming down the socket that modify a user within the group cause both useQuery hooks to update state despite the update being irrelevant to Doc A.

Is there a way I can stop these re-renders?

Hi @Zuma_Glenn :wave: welcome to the community forum! When it comes to debugging component renders it’s hard to tell what might be going on without a more robust demonstration of the issue. We can only speculate otherwise. Might you be able to share a repository or codesandbox that reproduces the issue you’re seeing?