I am moving to apollo federation. I am having multiple services which is now pushing schema to apollo studio. I can see federated schema there. I am confused at one case where I have following types.
type Purchase @key(fields: "id anotherRefrenceType oneMoreId") {
id: ID!
anotherRefrenceType: String
oneMoreId: String
extraField: String
now I have another type*(Inside another service)* which is
extend type Purchase @key(fields: "id anotherRefrenceType { id refCode}") {
id: ID! @external
anotherRefrenceType: String @external
This was working fine while I was not using federation. When this schema is pushed in apollo-studio for federation, It is giving me error for invalid @key directive. If I update my extended type to
extend type Purchase @key(fields: "id anotherRefrenceType oneMoreId") {
id: ID! @external
anotherRefrenceType: String @external
oneMoreId: String
graphql query fails. What is correct way to update this?