I am trying to show connect my query to my UI

Hey all, I want to show the title, author, and background image. Display it on a card. I can log out the data but do not know how to display it on the screen. Can I get some help please. Also using compose

internal class BlogPostRepositoryImpl(
    private val remoteBlogPostDataSource: BlogPostDataSource
) : BlogPostRepository {

    override suspend fun getFeaturedPost(): NetworkResult<PostItemFragment> {
        return try {
            val response = remoteBlogPostDataSource.getFeaturedPost()
            if (response != null) {
            } else {
                NetworkResult.Failure(NetworkError(type = NetworkErrorType.NOT_FOUND))
        } catch (ex: Exception) {
class BlogPostUseCases(
    private val blogPostRepository: BlogPostRepository
) {

    suspend fun getFeaturedPost(): NetworkResult<PostItemFragment> {
        return blogPostRepository.getFeaturedPost()

    // TODO: Implement Paging and caching for retrieved posts.
    suspend fun getAllPosts(blogPostPaging: BlogPostPaging): NetworkResult<List<GetBlogPostsQuery.Item?>?> {
        return blogPostRepository.getAllPosts(blogPostPaging)

    suspend fun getPostById(id: String): NetworkResult<PostItemFragment> {
        return blogPostRepository.getPostById(id)
class HomeViewModel() : ViewModel(), KoinComponent {

    private val userUseCases: UserUseCases by inject()
    private val blogPostUseCases: BlogPostUseCases by inject()

    val user = userUseCases.loggedInUserName

    fun getFeaturedArticle() {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            Log.i("debug", "featured: ${blogPostUseCases.getFeaturedPost()}")
public data class PostItemFragment(
  public val color: String?,
  public val featured: Boolean?,
  public val name: String?,
  public val postBody: String?,
  public val postSummary: String?,
  public val title: String?,
  public val thumbnailImage: ThumbnailImage?,
  public val mainImage: MainImage?,
  public val createdOn: Any?,
  public val createdBy: String?,
  public val publishedOn: Any?,
  public val publishedBy: String?,
  public val author: Author?
) : Fragment.Data {
  public data class ThumbnailImage(
    public val fileId: String?,
    public val url: String?

  public data class MainImage(
    public val fileId: String?,
    public val url: String?

  public data class Author(
    public val avatar: String?,
    public val name: String?,
    public val id: String?
query GetFeaturedBlogPost {
    getFeaturedBlogPost {