After attempting to migrate to 1.0.7 I am having issues with finding all queries in scope.
I am going to reference the github issue below because its my exact issue but the solution provided is not working for me.
opened 02:26AM - 01 Mar 23 UTC
closed 04:09PM - 01 Mar 23 UTC
needs investigation
### Summary
I integrated Apollo using Cocoapods.
Pod 'Apollo','~> 1.0.7'
t… hen cd to the directory where apollo-ios-cli is located, and execute init, fetch-schema, generate and other commands respectively.
Then add the automatically generated folders and internal files to the project.
Finally, apollo is called in the project to test the connection.
But the reference to the automatically generated BankInfoQuery file reported an error, as shown in the following figure:
<img width="1411" alt="3EC845B9-E469-45FD-AE3A-31D5DDBEB0F8" src="">
<img width="1420" alt="A5A13570-9CC2-4051-B8DB-A9501D068366" src="">
when I removed the extension from the BankInfoQuery file, the error was eliminated.

<img width="1427" alt="6DC5CBD8-7A2B-4E23-9A27-9B782299D387" src="">
Does this have any effect on the removal of 'extension schemeName'' from the query.graphql file? Or in what way to prevent it from being generated automatically.
<img width="1051" alt="D65291DD-1284-471E-8B3C-4903EE747666" src="">
In addition, if you call it in the way that ‘Fetch a query’ is recorded on, there will be an error of URLSessionClientError.sessionInvalidated.
### Version
### Steps to reproduce the behavior
When runing the code.
### Logs
_No response_
### Anything else?
_No response_
here is my config file:
public extension is uncommented as was suggested from @calvincestari but referencing it that way still gives me a scope error. i.e. MyAppAPI.SomeQuery().data… MyAppAPI isn’t even recognized in code completion. Something else might be going on.
Any suggestions?
Below is a link to a working example with the same configuration as what you’ve got here:
cocoapods dependency on Apollo iOS
same schema name and app target name
same module type and operations generated into the schema module
all this does is print the query name to a label but it shows that the query is accessible via the MyAppAPI
I’m running into the same issue. I don’t have access to either the generated Query or the SchemaNamespace the way you do in your example project, Calvin.
How are you adding the generated files to the project?
Here is my example project for reference.