Lift-off II: Resolvers | 8: Querying live data | Error: Query.Track defined in resolvers, but not in schema

Hi There! My server is throwing an Error: Query.Track defined in resolvers, but not in schema But when i look thru the schema i can clearly see the Track being defined under tracksForHome: [Track!]!. Is there any way you can help or suggestions on this?

Hey @Luganda! Thanks for the info, hope we can troubleshoot this together :slight_smile:

The error refers to Query.Track, which makes me think your resolvers are structured like this:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    Track: {
       // resolver code for Track fields

This doesn’t follow the structure of the schema. Track should not be nested inside Query, instead it should be in the same level. Like this:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    tracksForHome: () => { // resolver code }
  Track: {
     // resolver code for Track fields

Can you try that? You can also paste your resolvers file here so we can take a closer look!

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Thanks Michelle! This worked

Glad to hear it! Reach out if you get stuck on anything else!

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