Limit to single row relation one-to-many

Okay there is the problem, I wanna know if when requesting table which as a relation with another one in one-to-many, its was possible to get data a single rows without edges and node sub folder ? Like a one-to-one relation ? Because Im using the second table for translation so I just need one translation for a specific language… and having sub folder make a weird workflow like for get the title I have to do[0].node.title instead of

PS: im using Supabase for backend (postgresql)

For example, I have the table tmdb_movie which contain the movie id only, and another table tmdb_movie_translation which contain the language and the movie_id and the title (in right language).
I have this kind of resposne right now :

"movie": {
    "id": "545611",
    "data": {
        "edges": [
                "node": {
                    "id": "1781950",
                    "title": "Everything Everywhere All at Once",
                    "__typename": "tmdb_movie_translation"
                "__typename": "tmdb_movie_translationEdge"
        "__typename": "tmdb_movie_translationConnection"
    "__typename": "tmdb_movie",
    "backdrop_path": "/fIwiFha3WPu5nHkBeMQ4GzEk0Hv.jpg",
    "original_title": "Everything Everywhere All at Once",
    "original_language": "en"

But I want something like that because having edges and node becoming very paintful :slight_smile:

"movie": {
    "id": "545611",
    "data": {
            "id": "1781950",
            "title": "Everything Everywhere All at Once",
            "__typename": "tmdb_movie_translation"
    "__typename": "tmdb_movie",
    "backdrop_path": "/fIwiFha3WPu5nHkBeMQ4GzEk0Hv.jpg",
    "original_title": "Everything Everywhere All at Once",
    "original_language": "en"