Linting is breaking my compiler on Side Quest: Authentication & Authorization

I just started the Side Quest: Authentication & Authorization course (like an hour and a half of troubleshooting ago) and I’m running into trouble on the client side of things. When I run ‘npm start’ in the client folder, the page opens in the browser but gives me “Failed to compile” followed by a list of errors basically telling me to remove every comma and quote, each of which ends: “prettier/prettier”. I’m assuming maybe I just don’t have something installed that I need in order to run linting on this, but I don’t have the skills I need to figure that one out. Can someone tell me what I’m missing here?

I used this StackOverflow post to fix this:

Look at SimpleGuy’s response.

Thanks @stuartdga that gave me some direction. When I added that rule the next error was about double or single quotes, and when I added a rule for that it gave me a problem I didn’t recognize: Replace `user` with `·user·` prettier/prettier
. Eventually I managed to fix things by manually disabling prettier by adding a comment in each file that threw errors. I’m certain this isn’t the proper solution, but it is a solution! :smiley: