If you have some free time and would like to share with Apollo your thoughts on Subscriptions vs Live Queries, please complete this survey.
Reference:Live Queries vs Subscriptions
Live Queries
Are you familiar with the @Live GraphQL directive or the concept of Live Queries?
- Yes
- No
- I’m interested in learning more
0 voters
Based on your knowledge of @Live or Live Queries have you been wanting to use them in your application?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
- Don’t know enough about it yet
0 voters
Are you familiar with GraphQL Subscriptions in GraphQL?
- Yes
- No
- I’m interested in learning more
0 voters
Based on your knowledge of Subscriptions do you use them in your application?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know enough about it yet
0 voters
Subscriptions vs Live Queries
Could you envision using Live Queries in place of Subscriptions in your application? (select all that apply)
- I definitely could see opportunities to use Live Queries in place of Subscriptions.
- I still have a lot of Subscriptions use cases, where Live Queries wouldn’t make a lot of sense.
- I still don’t know enough about Live Queries, or the @Live directive to make this decision.
- I see no use for Live Queries and would continue to use Subscriptions in my application.
- I don’t need Subscriptions or Live Queries in my application.
- Live Queries are interesting, but I have some implementation concerns to better understand.
0 voters
What could prevent you from using Live Queries in your application? (select all that apply)
- I have a lot of supporting infrastructure, events and/or existing code dedicated to subscriptions support.
- I’m concerned about the cost of running Live Queries vs the cost of subscriptions.
- I don’t see valid use cases for Live Queries yet.
- Subscriptions work for my needs, and I wouldn’t want to waste effort and time to figure out Live Queries.
0 voters
Approximately how much of your application data is behind some type of authentication?
- 76% - 100%
- 50 - 75%
- 25 - 49%
- 1- 25%
- 0%
0 voters
Do you currently use other real-time update mechanisms on the client to handle the invalidation / change detection of data?
- Yes
- No
- Not yet, but I’m interested in learning more
0 voters
Do you use any sort of cache control?
- Yes
- No
- Not yet, but I’m interested in learning more
0 voters