Need to POST Data to REST API using GraphQL Connector to support GraphQL Mutations

You should come to my livestream tomorrow on connectors! I’m going to follow up with questions after the stream in this thread and you can find a link for the stream there: [Connectors Live] Stripe Q&A

Here’s the example POST mutation we’re going to be building in the stream tomorrow and it’s going to cover Strip checkout session:

type Session {
  id: ID!
  url: String
type Mutation {
  createSession(items: [LineItemInput!]!): Session
      source: "stripe"
      http: { 
        POST: "/checkout/sessions"
        body: """
          mode: $("payment")
          line_items: $args.items 
          success_url: $("")
      selection: """

input LineItemInput {
  price: ID!
  quantity: Int

After the stream we’re going to have a couple additional examples out there and a space to share more. I’ll have more concrete examples to show you soon :pray: