You should come to my livestream tomorrow on connectors! I’m going to follow up with questions after the stream in this thread and you can find a link for the stream there: [Connectors Live] Stripe Q&A
Here’s the example POST
mutation we’re going to be building in the stream tomorrow and it’s going to cover Strip checkout session:
type Session {
id: ID!
url: String
type Mutation {
createSession(items: [LineItemInput!]!): Session
source: "stripe"
http: {
POST: "/checkout/sessions"
body: """
mode: $("payment")
line_items: $args.items
success_url: $("")
selection: """
input LineItemInput {
price: ID!
quantity: Int
After the stream we’re going to have a couple additional examples out there and a space to share more. I’ll have more concrete examples to show you soon