One ApolloGateway. access same subgraph from different PoDs?

Is there a way to access same subgraphs from different PoDs through single apolloGateway ?

const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
    serviceList: [
        { name: "subgraphA, url: "https://app.pod1.user/graphql" },
        { name: "subgraphA", url:  "https://app.pod2.user/graphql"  },

The above code will have schema conflicts. Since all the types in SDL will be Duplicate.

I am looking for a solution. Where we can update/change serviceList based on request from OriginUrl(Client).

Scenario 1:
client ( )

Create logic in gateway to update service list as below.

const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
    serviceList: [
        { name: "subgraphA, url: "https://app.pod1.user/graphql" },

Scenario 2:
client ( )

Create logic in gateway to update service list as below

const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
    serviceList: [
        { name: "subgraphA, url: "https://app.pod2.user/graphql" },