I have a query GetTrip
which returns a fully populated Trip object. A view in my UI uses a GetTrips
query to grab a list of much lighter Trip objects (basically name and id). After this second query is executed, readQuery(...)
will fail for my GetTrip
, returning null
. Looking at the cache using the Apollo devtools I see that the Trip is there and fully populated, so I think Apollo’s properly merging the full one with the partial one. What else could cause the cache to miss?
Fragments and queries:
fragment ListTrip on Trip {
query GetTrips {
trips {
fragment Trip on Trip {
// (a ton of other fields)
query GetTrip($id: ID!) {
trip(id: $id) {
If I swap out the light fragment in GetTrips
for the full fragment, Apollo correctly finds and returns the trip.
Could you please post some more info about your setup? Stuff like your cache config/type policies, query options passed into useQuery, how you’re calling readQuery, etc
Sure! My cache is just a regular in memory cache, no special config. Query options are just using the default CacheFirst policy.
I’m calling readQuery using the cache
returned from a mutation in the update
const trip = cache.readQuery({
query: TripHooks.GetTrip,
variables: {id: tripId},
This call will succeed every time until I trigger the GetTrips
call that returns the partial data. Then it will return null
rather than the trip.
I found I can disable the cache for my GetTrips
query, which will keep it from breaking the GetTrip
. That’s not ideal, but it’s a light query and really fast, so it’s a lot less painful than the cache miss for GetTrip
Sorry, I can’t see anything here that would cause that behavior
Does cache.readFragment
do any better than cache.readQuery
Same as readQuery sadly. No worries if nothing else comes to mind- the workaround disabling the cache for the other query is pretty painless for now.