I’m upgrading an iOS project from Apollo v0.53.0 Swift Package to v1.0.7 and receive a Error: cannotCreateFile(at: "/Users/jimmc/Developer/unified-ios-sandbox")
failure using apollo-ios-cli
This is the command I’m using: ./apollo-ios-cli generate --verbose --fetch-schema
And this is the schemaDownloadConfiguration
section of apollo-codegen-config.json
"schemaDownloadConfiguration": {
"downloadMethod": {
"introspection": {
"endpointURL": "https://api.redacted.com/mobile-bff/graphql",
"httpMethod": {
"POST": {}
"includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
"outputFormat": "SDL"
"downloadTimeout": 60,
"outputPath": "./MobileBFF"
Full output from the command:
[DEBUG - ApolloCodegenLib:ApolloSchemaDownloader.swift:345] - Downloading schema via introspection from https://api.redacted.com/mobile-bff/graphql
Error: cannotCreateFile(at: "/Users/jimmc/Developer/unified-ios-sandbox/MobileBFF")
I’ve tried multiple outputPath
s, with and without sudo
but I get the same error and a different path. Maybe my environment is setup incorrectly? I’m able to download the schema using the exiting ApollCodegen toolset from v0.53.0.
TIA, Jim