Unable to mock errors when query contains @client directive

I have been following the documentation at https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/development-testing/testing/ to try and set up a mock provider for my React Native application. The vast majority of my queries are using the @client directive which changes the behavior of the mock provider compared to what is shown in the examples.

Example Query:

const GET_EVENT_CONFIG = gql`
  query getEventConfig($eventId: ID!) {
    event(eventId: $eventId) @client {
      appConfig @client {

If I remove the client directive (and change nothing else) the tests pass. I have been trying to use the resolvers prop to pass in an error, but this does not seem to be supported as the resolver object always is returned as data.

So to my question, is it possible to test these error states when my query contains the client directive or is this simply not possible?

I have created a reproduction example using the Apollo client test bed. This can be found at https://github.com/Thenlie/rn-apollo-client-testbed/blob/main/src/_
and run via codesandbox (use the command npx jest). As you can see, the test where the client directive is removed will pass, and the other will not.

Also wanted to give a big shout out to Alessia on Discord for all the help thus far. You can find that conversation in the Apollo discord help channel (not allowed to post more than 2 links XD).

Another shoutout to Alessia on Discord for resolving this problem! I was passing the error to the resolvers prop incorrectly. For anyone looking at this in the future, here is how to properly do it.

Given this resolver:

const resolvers: Resolvers = {
  Query: {
    event: () => ({
      appConfig: {
        id: MOCK_EVENT_ID,
        features: {
          MY_BADGE: {
            isEnabled: true

Here is how you pass an error:

const errorResolver: Resolvers = {
  Query: {
    event: () => {
      throw new Error('Test error!');