Unable to read from cache (React hooks + Typescript Codegen)

Hey folks :wave: ,

I expected when setting up Apollo, while generating react-hooks for some queries to be able to cache results but this is not working. Any clue what am I missing?

I setup the client like this:

const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
.... with a link setting

And then inside a component I am using a generated hook like this:

const { data: rawDbmss, error } = useDbmsTopologyQuery({
    pollInterval: LOW_PULLING_FREQUENCY,
    fetchPolicy: "cache-first",

I can see that in the first request I have a cache of:

    "DBMS:F695FB610F5482B746742136D065813C2807B83F64023072FF718730E6A839DE": {
      "__typename": "DBMS",
      "id": "F695FB610F5482B746742136D065813C2807B83F64023072FF718730E6A839DE",
      "name": "F695FB610F5482B746742136D065813C2807B83F64023072FF718730E6A839DE",
      "type": "SINGLE_INSTANCE",
      "instances": [
          "__ref": "Instance:b256a902-72f1-42d0-94ea-133f82a442f8"
    "ROOT_QUERY": {
      "__typename": "Query",
      "dbmsById({\"dbmsId\":\"F695FB610F5482B746742136D065813C2807B83F64023072FF718730E6A839DE\"})": {
        "__ref": "DBMS:F695FB610F5482B746742136D065813C2807B83F64023072FF718730E6A839DE"
      "dbms": [
          "__ref": "DBMS:F695FB610F5482B746742136D065813C2807B83F64023072FF718730E6A839DE"
    "Instance:b256a902-72f1-42d0-94ea-133f82a442f8": {
      "__typename": "Instance",
      "name": "single-instance",
      "id": "b256a902-72f1-42d0-94ea-133f82a442f8",
      "role": "SINGLE"

which is exactly the same with the second run, but still I can see a graphql request firing up, instead of reading from the cache.

Any clue what am I missing?