Using the Persisted Query List to detect breaking changes to schemas?

Hi folks, if I have a Persisted Query List, will the GraphOS checks use those for Schema Validation checks? I’d like to ensure that schema changes will not break the compilation of other projects that rely on generated client code, even if the operation hasn’t been called in > 3 months. I think the PQL could be used for this purpose.


GraphOS already have a feature to prevent schema breaking changes, I have not used PQ in GraphOS, but for me, it should not make a difference.

Have you checked out GraphQL Inspector? It’s a library that can be used in your pipeline to run checks against commits

Yes, we currently GraphOS operation checks for breaking changes. The problem is that it relies on historical query traffic. We have SDKs that are built-in to our client apps that don’t necessarily have recent traffic, so it can fall through the cracks.

I did see GraphQL Inspector during my research, and that seems to be the most promising. One issue is that it could be pretty expensive to build out a query document based on the PQL, judging from the GraphQL Platform API docs. It’s certainly possible though. We’d either check it directly in CI or add it as a custom check in GraphOS.