What happens to my graph if Apollo has an outage?

If I am using Apollo Studio and managed federation in my graph today and Apollo has an outage, will that impact my customers?

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Apollo Studio provides schema updates to an instance of your gateway running in your infrastructure through a feature called Uplink. If Uplink does go offline, your current running gateways will not be affected and will still be able to serve customer traffic. However, they will not be able to poll to get schema updates and new instances of the gateway will not be able to get the latest schema to start up. Because Uplink is such a critical part of the schema delivery process, Apollo has taken steps so that its uptime is independent of the rest of our SaaS architecture (eg, it uses separate distributed databases, etc) — and that as of recently it’s also multi-cloud, so if you’re on the most recent version of the Gateway, Uplink can survive a total GCP outage or a total AWS outage as long as they are not simultaneous.

For the latest status info and what systems are affected, please see our status page at: