What is going to replace the "client" commands in Apollo CLI?

What will replace the client commands from the deprecated Apollo CLI?

This is the current migration plan for customers currently relying on these commands:

  • apollo client:codegen → use the graphql-code-generator CLI
  • apollo client:download-schema → use rover graph fetch
  • apollo client:check → potentially a graphql-code-generator plugin; TBD
  • apollo client:extract → potentially a graphql-code-generator plugin; TBD
  • apollo client:push → e.g. npx apollo-studio-legacy-operation-registry

Please refer back at a later date though if this changes and of course to our documentation for the latest available Rover commands: The Rover CLI - Apollo GraphQL Docs

Hi @shanemyrick, thanks for this. Is there any update as to if there is a proposed replacement for apollo client:check?

You can generate the types for clients using some of the tools mentioned here which will allow to have type safety built in

But the client:check options still work today if you want to use them

@shanemyrick do we have any update regarding apollo client:extract migrate to potentially a graphql-code-generator plugin; TBD

@manikanta.a Have you seen the tools for Apollo Client that allow you to extract the operations to be used for persisted queries?