Announcing Apollo Federation 2

Just to underscore what @abernix said – we really appreciate all the great feedback on the serviceList thread and have been actively working on a solution. @trevor.scheer has a proposal in apollographql/federation#1180 for a more flexible and reactive serviceList option that supports more advanced scenarios in a more modular way. We’d love to hear if this works for you in the GitHub issue and the serviceList thread.

If all looks good, we can add this to the original Gateway and the 2.x Gateway since we are maintaining both in parallel for a smooth migration over the coming months.

We remain committed to ensure Federation works for everyone – not just with managed Federation (which is free btw), but also with unmanaged Federation which has always been free and remains free to use, modify, and distribute – including Federation 2.

We’ve also polished up the Federation 2 alpha docs which now include a link to the Federation roadmap, so would love to hear your early feedback on the Federation 2 alpha, thoughts on the Federation 2 preview, and additional things you’d like to see! :pray:

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