Upgrading to @apollo/gateway 2.x while keeping Federation 1

I’m performing an overdue upgrade of @apollo/gateway 0.x to 2.x, while keeping Federation 1 to keep it simple and incremental, then eventually upgrade to Federation 2.

I’m not sure if I’m missing some syntax to force the gateway to use federation 1, but I’m getting errors similar to the following when composing using a list of subgraph endpoints.

On field "Person.name", for @provides(fields: "Id name emailAddress "): field Person.name cannot be included because it has arguments (fields with argument are not allowed in @provides)

Is there a specific version of @apollo/gateway upto which Federation 1 is supported?
What’s the syntax to force using Federation 1 in @apollo/gateway ?

The page that mentions the backwards compatibility, but I can’t find more information.

Gateway v2.x supports both Fed 1 (aka 0.x) and Fed 2. There is no “mode” you have to put the gateway in because what determines what Federation version you use is your supergraph file which is the output from composition at build time.

I would recommend using rover supergraph compose to build this file.

federation_version: 1
    routing_url: http://localhost:4001/graphql
      file: schema.graphql

Your error that you are seeing is an error because the @provides directive can not resolve fields that require arguments dynamically. See your error message:

Person.name cannot be included because it has arguments (fields with argument are not allowed in @provides)

Thanks for the reply. I don’t get the @provides error with apollo gateway 0.x, but I do with 2.x.
To fix the error by removing the argument will be a breaking change, while its mentioned that upgrading the gateway should be backward compatible. Is there no way to avoid / override the error and proceed with the same schema?