Migrate Apollo Federation 1.0 Supergraphs to Apollo Federation 2.0

Hello Apollo community,

In conjunction with today’s blog announcement regarding support for Apollo Federation 1.0 Supergraphs, we wanted to provide a space where you can discuss and ask for any clarifications.

The blog post describes the support change in detail. In summary, starting with the 1.60 release of Apollo GraphOS Router and Apollo Router Core in the coming weeks, Apollo Federation 1.0 supergraphs will no longer be supported.

Please review the blog post for more information, including the importance of migrating to supergraphs composed with Federation 2.0, the steps we’ve taken to ease the migration of 1.0 supergraphs, and additional resources to support this transition.

For the small number of organizations affected, we understand this is a significant change. This decision reflects our commitment to eliminating the complexities of outdated technology and ensuring our offerings align with the evolving needs of modern API infrastructures.

Apollo values your partnership and trust as we continue to innovate. We are here to support you through this transition and to help keep your API infrastructure powerful and future-proof.

Will I have to upgrade all my subgraphs at the same time to adopt Fed 2 and Router v1.60+?

No, most likely not. As part of our Fed 2 Migration Guide you will only need to complete Steps 1 + 2, which only involve updating your composition method or pipeline settings to create the supergraph.

Fed 1 subgraphs are backwards compatible with Fed 2 supergraph composition. You will only need to upgrade a specific subgraph if you want to start using Fed 2 features or if you have a conflict with an already existing Fed 2 subgraph/syntax.

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