Are there any Apollo open sources that can be used to build a self-hosted API Gateway and/or Router?

Are there any Apollo open sources that can be used to build a self-hosted API Gateway and/or Router? Thanks.

Hi parzival Oasis, Thank you very much for your suggestion! I will look into WunderGraph Cosmo and GraphQL-Go-tools!

You can self host Apollo Router and Apollo Gateway for free and do not need any license. You can provide a supergraph file to either one without any connection to GraphOS.

GraphOS offers a platform to safely deliver the supergraph, run schema checks, and enable some additional enterprise runtime features of the Router like external coprocessors and safelisting, and more: Introduction to Apollo GraphOS - Apollo GraphQL Docs

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Thank you very much Shanemyrick! I am new to Apollo, there are so many great features with and without pay. I would really appreciate it if you could point me to any sample project that is doing it. Thanks!

Checkout our GraphOS Serverless plan which is completely free. I have also made some sample supergraphs with code, like the travel-supergraph and financial-supergraph. These are both running locally but also in the free tier of Apollo Cloud if you don’t want to manage Router deployments