When I start router on local, I get the below error message (“ERROR could not parse schema: UrlParse(“locations”, InvalidUri(InvalidFormat))”)
Can you help me to troubleshoot the problem?
2023-01-11T22:59:46.736726Z INFO Apollo Router v1.7.0 // (c) Apollo Graph, Inc. // Licensed as ELv2 (Licensing Under Elastic License v2 (ELv2) | Apollo GraphQL)
2023-01-11T22:59:46.736785Z INFO Anonymous usage data is gathered to inform Apollo product development. See GraphOS Data Privacy and Compliance | Apollo GraphQL for more info.
2023-01-11T22:59:46.989953Z ERROR could not parse schema: UrlParse(“locations”, InvalidUri(InvalidFormat))
I believe this error means that the URL of the subgraph named “locations” was invalid. Are you able to share the config file which you were using that produced this error?
I have resolved my issue, I had a typo in the localhost url in the command that I was publishing the subgraphs @Yasar can you have a look, I put them in the package.json in the root directory for easy use, instead of writing the whole thing all the time.
Example : yarn rover subgraph publish <APOLLO_GRAPH_REF> --name locations --schema ./subgraph-locations/locations.graphql --routing-url http://localhost:4001