Graph Variants Naming Question

Hello, I’m a bit confused about naming of graphs variants in Studio.

What is “Current” stands for? Is it current development or current production?

We have pretty straightforward configuration with development / staging / production environments. I would like to have the same variants naming in Apollo Studio.

I registered them using Apollo Server reporting and then deleted a “current” variant of the graph (which was created by default). But it appears again! Looks like it’s default and cannot be properly removed from studio.

Even more confusion brings a screenshot from the docs Graphs and variants - Apollo GraphQL Docs
Where all options are presented: Current as long as Development and Production.

So the question, should I use Current as name for my development environment or how you intented to use it?

I have the same question. Have you found a direction for using production as a replacement for the current variant? Seems like production is a better, more widely understood naming convention.