Invalid characters in existing Variant Name in Apollo Studio

I am trying to update/publish a new schema version to an existing variant in Apollo Studio. I have a variant per environment (i.e. dev, stage, prod) and prefix our variant names the string env:. For example env:dev, env:stage, env:prod.

While this used to work, it seems the server is now validating variant names match this REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9][\/\.a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,63}$ (note it does not match due to the colon in our variant name). When we try to publish a new schema to an existing variant we see this error:

Error: Graph variant (a.k.a. tag) 'env:dev' is invalid; all graph variants must follow pattern '^[a-zA-Z0-9][\/\.a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,63}$'

This error occurs when we try to publish to studio via the apollo or rover tooling.

Thank you for surfacing this!

This is an account-specific case that we’ll need to work out with you directly, rather than here on the forums. Can you please reach out to Support from inside Apollo Studio so we can get in touch with the right person! (Feel free to copy your original post above or merely reference this thread in your message!)
