keyArgs for lazy load

I’m building a lazy-loaded list and I’m trying to set the keyArgs to merge all the calls into a single list:

query GetCreditedRealEventBatch($companyId: Int!, $offset: Int, $limit: Int) {
  albumBatch: eventConnections(
    where: {creditedCompanyId: {_eq: $companyId}, event: {publishedAt: {_is_null: false}, company: {id: {_neq: $companyId}}}}
    order_by: {displaySortOrder: asc}
    offset: $offset
    limit: $limit
  ) {

…but when I look in the Apollo Dev tools, they all appear separate:

What should the keyArgs be?

I thought it would be this…

      typePolicies: {
        Query: {
          fields: {
            eventConnections: {
              keyArgs: ["where", ["creditedCompanyId", ["_eq"]]],

…but even if I run multiple queries, the cache only contains three items:

It seems that the merge function must always be provided:

typePolicies: {
        Query: {
          fields: {
            eventConnections: {
              keyArgs: ["where", ["creditedCompanyId", ["_eq"]]],
              merge(existing = [], incoming) {
                return [...existing, ...incoming];