Sharing data between filtered queries


I have a query like this: comments(type: All | Upvoted | Downvoted) and I use type as a keyArg.

When user opens the page he fetches all the comments and later he can narrow his search. I wonder if it’s possible to somehow prepopulate store of type: Upvoted |Downvoted with the results from type: All query. Unfortunately preloadQuery doesn’t have update function as mutation do so not sure what’s the best way to achiive that.

I tried to use read field policy but that gives me Already recomputing error
here is an example of what I tried:

comments: {
  keyArgs: ['type'],
  merge: mergePaginatedCollections,
  read(existing, { cache, args }) {
    const variables = args as CommentsQueryQueryVariables;
    if (!existing && variables.type !== VoteTypeFilter.All) {
      const d = cache.readQuery({
        query: CommentsQuery,

      return {
        comments: {
          items: d?.comments.items.filter(
            (c) => c.type === variables.type,

    return existing;

Thanks in advance for any tips :bowing_man: