Lift-off I: Basics : Unable to reach server

I am on module 5 of Lift-OFF tutorial . I tried to run " npm run start " on my node.js server application . but i am not able to access the same on localhost:4000 . I am not getting any error as per below .
and when i am trying to access Studio : Localhost:4000 , i am getting an error " unable to reach server .

$ npm run start

catstronauts-server-complete@1.0.0 start
nodemon src/index

[nodemon] 2.0.20
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter rs
[nodemon] watching path(s): .
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
[nodemon] starting node src/index.js
[nodemon] clean exit - waiting for changes before restart

I am new to graphql , if i have miss out on anything do let me know .

Thanks for help in advance

Hey there @Rachit-Rastogi-In! Can you show me the contents of your src/index.js file?

Hello Mabuyo,

Thanks for getting back to me , i have resolved this on my own .
There was a small typo error in code.

“const { makeExecutablesSchema }” instead of " const { makeExecutableSchema } "

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