Merging data of different queries and updating the cache

Tags: apollo client cache react

Hi! I have 2 different queries. The first query is fetching some static information about an asset/item. The second query is a personalised query that fetches an additional field (resumePosition) of this previously fetched asset. Apollo Client Cache does make the connection as far as I can see in the Apollo development tool, however I do not see this field in the data of the asset. It seems like the Cache has the reference to the ResumePosition Object but the data is not received.

Do I have to update the data using writeFragment? My assumption here is that Apollo would update it already based on the additional reference of the data.

Static Asset Query

query Block {

fragment Asset on Asset {

Personalised Resume Position Query

query ResumePosition {
    ... on Asset {
        resumePosition {

Screenshot 2021-08-09 at 17.04.10