Resolving Interface types in mutations

Hi I’m very new to GraphQl. I’m trying to build an API with Apollo-server. I’m trying to create a user type with two different instances (normal client user type and a service provider user type). I created an interface user type, but I’m not exactly sure how to write mutation resolvers specific to subtypes of the interface user type. This is how my schema looks currently:

const {gql} = require('apollo-server-express')

module.exports = gql`  

    interface User{
        id: ID!
        username: String!
        email: String!
        password: String!
        avatar: String!
        bio: String!
        # role: String!

    type Order{
        id: ID!
        orderType: String!
        author: User!
        # paymentMethod: String!

    type Stylist implements User{
        id: ID!
        username: String!
        email: String!
        password: String!
        avatar: String!
        bio: String!
        # role: String!
        rating: Int!
        recievedOrders: [Order!]! #notification
        recievedOrderCount: Int! #notification

    type Client implements User{
        id: ID!
        username: String!
        email: String!
        password: String!
        avatar: String!
        bio: String!
        # role: String!
        sentOrders: [Order!]!

    type Query{
        user(username: String!): User!
        users: [User!]!
        me: User!
        # stylist(username: String): Stylist!
        # stylists: [Stylist!]!

    type Mutation{
        makeOrder(orderType: String!): Order!
        sendOrder(orderId: ID!, stylistId: ID!): Stylist!
        updateSentOrders(id: ID!): User!
        signUp(username: String!, email: String!, password: String!, role: String!): String!
        signIn(username: String!, email: String!, password: String!): String!

Then is how my mutation resolver looks like currently:

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const {
} = require('apollo-server-express')


module.exports = {
    makeOrder: async (parent, {orderType}, {models, user}) => {
            throw AuthenticationError("Sorry you have to be signed in to make an order")
        return await models.Order.create({
            author: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(
    sendOrder: async (parent, {orderId, stylistId}, {models, user}) => {
        if(!user) {
            throw AuthenticationError("Sorry you have to be signed in to make an order")
        let order = await models.Order.findById(orderId)
        //is this really needed?
        if(order && String( !=={
            throw ForbiddenError("You don't have any permissions to make an order, please sign in")

        return await models.Stylist.findOneAndUpdate(
            {_id: stylistId},
                $push: {
                    recievedOrders: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(orderId)
                $inc: {
                    recievedOrderCount: 1
                new: true
    updateSentOrders: async (parent, {id}, {models, user}) => {
        if(!user) {
            throw AuthenticationError("Sorry you have to be signed in")
        let order = await models.Order.findById(id)

        if(order && String( !== {
            throw ForbiddenError("You don't have permissions to this order")

        return await models.User.findOneAndUpdate(
                $push: {
                    sentORders: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)
                new: true
    signUp: async (parent, {username, email, password}, {models, user}) => {
        var email = email.trim().toLowerCase()

        var username = username

        var saltrounds = 10
        var encryptedPassword = await bcrupt.hash(password, saltRounds)

            const user = await model.User.create({
                password: encryptedPassword
            return await jwt.sign({id: user._id}, process.env.JWT_SECRET)
        }catch(err) {
            throw new Error("error creating account")
    signIn: async (parent, {username, email, password}, {models}) => {
            var email = email.trim().toLowerCase()

        const user = await models.User.findOne({
            $or: [{email}, {username}]

        if(!user) {
            throw new AuthenticationError('Error signing In')

        const valid = await, user.password)
        if(!valid) {
            throw new AuthenticationError("Error signing In")

        return await jwt.sign({id: user._id}, process.env.JWT_SECRET)

The part I’m really focused on is creating signups and signin for both instances of the User Interface type.

Help with this will be really great.