Server Mutation Resolver - How to shape Nested Objects properly

I have a Mutation resolver that I want to return a Branch type

type Branch {
	ID: 	ID!
	Parent:	Node
	Child:	Node
	item: 	Int

The Server works fine, but the output is not the correct shape

Mutation: {
	async RemoveBranch (parent, args, ctx, info) {
		let session = ctx.driver.session();
		let query ='MATCH.....
			return branch{Parent, .ID, .item, Child} as Branches'
		async RemoveBranch (parent, args, ctx, info) {
		return, args)
		.then( result => {
			const Branches = => { return record.get("Branches")})
			return Branches

console.log(result) gives me the following in the server terminal window

   item: 6,
   ID: 'eb86aa67-7264-4d19-921b-4324ef7fda45',
   Parent: Node { identity: 159, labels: [Array], properties: [Object] },
   Child: Node { identity: 87, labels: [Array], properties: [Object] }
   item: 9,
   ID: '601579ea-0587-4c4b-8524-d923b4d579e6',
   Parent: Node { identity: 159, labels: [Array], properties: [Object] },
   Child: Node { identity: 95, labels: [Array], properties: [Object] }

The Parent and Child Node objects are included in the output but it seems I need to do something else to coax the properties out.

So how do I turn this:

Parent: Node { identity: 159, labels: [Array], properties: [Object] },

Into this?

Parent: {ID:"a78667e5-e3a7-462b-a7bd-76d6fad629f2",name:"Some Node name"}

Thank you.