Upgrading from 0.53 to 1.0 in Apollo iOS Getting “Multiple Commands produce" error

We are trying to upgrade our iOS Apollo library from 0.53 to 1.15.3. We have followed the steps mentioned in this migration doc

But we are getting this error in Xcode after performing all the steps

Hi @akshaymantasolutions - this looks like an Xcode build configuration issue. Note that we no longer recommend a build phase to generate the Swift code. You can if you want to do it that way but it may be helpful to remove the build phase for now until you know what the issue is.

Yes, It’s already deleted along with apollocodegen folder. Thanks for the revert.

I got the issue. Issue was due to some naming conventions I used in query.graphql. Now it got resolved. Thanks @calvincestari for your support.

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