Can i find any latest IOS apollo version 1.0.6 course or video tutorials?

Hi Everyone ,
i’m try to create ios sample project using apollo graphql to use my project . i tried work documents (Introduction to Apollo iOS - Apollo GraphQL Docs )but bit difficult to understand after creating schema.json and query file . can any one provide step by step guideline for create it

If you want use this is Graph API to create sample project and share the details steps me , schema or server endpoint :

Please any one help me learn work this .

Hi @MohanVMaxIOS - try this code generation tutorial, Get started with Apollo iOS codegen - Apollo GraphQL Docs.

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Hi calvincestari,

Thank you so much for yours response.

I have tried given link but i am getting some issues when i do code generate .
Endpoint :
cd /Users/mohan/Desktop/HelloGraphQL
➜ HelloGraphQL ls
HelloGraphQL apollo-ios-cli
HelloGraphQL.xcodeproj countryListAPI.json
HelloGraphQLTests countrylist.graphql
HelloGraphQLUITests schema.graphqls
➜ HelloGraphQL ./apollo-ios-cli generate
Error: GraphQLSchemaValidationError: There can be only one directive named “@key”.
There can be only one directive named “@extends”.
Field “” can only be defined once.

It might help if you can share the contents of your apollo-codegen-config.json file. That error sounds like there is duplication of the schema in more than one file.

Some suggestions:

  • make sure that countrylist.graphql is only you operations
  • make sure that schema.graphqls is only the schema

What is countryListAPI.json?

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