Gettig error ./apollo-ios-cli generate

I am following this tutorial: iOS GraphQL Simplified: macOS Command Line Techniques for Sustainable Schema Operations | by Alkin Cakiralar | Medium and I am getting an error when using the generate command. It seems to be an issue with my schema, but it is the one I get when I run ./apollo-ios-cli fetch-schema . Has anyone else had the same problem? How can I resolve it?
This is my structure in the Xcode project:


directive @cacheControl(
  maxAge: Int

  scope: CacheControlScope

A directive used by the Apollo iOS client to annotate operations or fragments that should be used exclusively for generating local cache mutations instead of as standard operations.
directive @apollo_client_ios_localCacheMutation on QUERY | MUTATION | SUBSCRIPTION | FRAGMENT_DEFINITION

A directive used by the Apollo iOS code generation engine to generate custom import statements in operation or fragment definition files. An import statement to import a module with the name provided in the `module` argument will be added to the generated definition file.
directive @import(
  """The name of the module to import."""
  module: String!

type Query {
  """Get a specific character by ID"""
    id: ID!
  ): Character

  """Get the list of all characters"""
    page: Int

    filter: FilterCharacter
  ): Characters

  """Get a list of characters selected by ids"""
    ids: [ID!]!
  ): [Character]

  """Get a specific locations by ID"""
    id: ID!
  ): Location

  """Get the list of all locations"""
    page: Int

    filter: FilterLocation
  ): Locations

  """Get a list of locations selected by ids"""
    ids: [ID!]!
  ): [Location]

  """Get a specific episode by ID"""
    id: ID!
  ): Episode

  """Get the list of all episodes"""
    page: Int

    filter: FilterEpisode
  ): Episodes

  """Get a list of episodes selected by ids"""
    ids: [ID!]!
  ): [Episode]

type Character {
  """The id of the character."""
  id: ID

  """The name of the character."""
  name: String

  """The status of the character ('Alive', 'Dead' or 'unknown')."""
  status: String

  """The species of the character."""
  species: String

  """The type or subspecies of the character."""
  type: String

  The gender of the character ('Female', 'Male', 'Genderless' or 'unknown').
  gender: String

  """The character's origin location"""
  origin: Location

  """The character's last known location"""
  location: Location

  Link to the character's image.
  All images are 300x300px and most are medium shots or portraits since they are intended to be used as avatars.
  image: String

  """Episodes in which this character appeared."""
  episode: [Episode]!

  """Time at which the character was created in the database."""
  created: String

type Location {
  """The id of the location."""
  id: ID

  """The name of the location."""
  name: String

  """The type of the location."""
  type: String

  """The dimension in which the location is located."""
  dimension: String

  """List of characters who have been last seen in the location."""
  residents: [Character]!

  """Time at which the location was created in the database."""
  created: String

type Episode {
  """The id of the episode."""
  id: ID

  """The name of the episode."""
  name: String

  """The air date of the episode."""
  air_date: String

  """The code of the episode."""
  episode: String

  """List of characters who have been seen in the episode."""
  characters: [Character]!

  """Time at which the episode was created in the database."""
  created: String

input FilterCharacter {
  name: String

  status: String

  species: String

  type: String

  gender: String

type Characters {
  info: Info

  results: [Character]

type Info {
  """The length of the response."""
  count: Int

  """The amount of pages."""
  pages: Int

  """Number of the next page (if it exists)"""
  next: Int

  """Number of the previous page (if it exists)"""
  prev: Int

input FilterLocation {
  name: String

  type: String

  dimension: String

type Locations {
  info: Info

  results: [Location]

input FilterEpisode {
  name: String

  episode: String

type Episodes {
  info: Info

  results: [Episode]

enum CacheControlScope {


"""The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload."""
scalar Upload


query characters {
  characters {
    results {


  "schemaNamespace": "GraphqlAPI",
  "input": {
    "operationSearchPaths": [
    "schemaSearchPaths": ["graphql_schema_Rick.graphql"]
  "output": {
    "testMocks": {
      "none": {}
    "schemaTypes": {
      "path": ".././GraphqlAPI",
      "moduleType": {
        "swiftPackageManager": {}
    "operations": {
      "inSchemaModule": {}
  "schemaDownloadConfiguration": {
    "downloadMethod": {
      "introspection": {
        "endpointURL": "",
        "httpMethod": {
          "POST": {}
        "includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
        "outputFormat": "SDL"
    "downloadTimeout": 60,
    "headers": [],
    "outputPath": "./graphql_schema_Rick.graphql"

Hi @Yeshua_A - your operationSearchPaths and schemaSearchPaths are conflicting with each other because "**/*.graphql" will find all .graphql files including your schema file. The codegen engine is trying to parse your schema file as an operation file and telling you it cannot execute the instructions because they are not operations.

Rename your schema file to use .graphqls extension and remove "**/*.graphqls" from operationSearchPaths. That should fix it for you.

Thank you so much! However, I’m still struggling :face_with_diagonal_mouth:. I’m getting another error:

Error: No GraphQL operations could be found. Please verify the operation search paths.

How should I set my operationSearchPaths with the following structure?


query characters {
  characters {
    results {

Thank you in advance

Try move apollo-ios-cli and apollo-codegen-config.json to the root of the project then **/*.graphql will run through all project subfolders. Right now it’s only looking in Core/** and can’t find any operations.

Alternatively you could move the Operations folder into Data so it can be found from there too.

Thank you so much! That worked. I have attached an image of the project structure for anyone who might be struggling with this. Regards, Calvin :blush:

By the way, after that I just clean the project using ShiftCommandK & OptionShiftCommandK.