We started getting these errors when our servers were starting up this morning. No changes on our side in a few months.
Error: When a manual configuration is not provided, gateway requires an Apollo configuration. See Managed federation overview - Apollo GraphQL Docs for more information. Manual configuration options include: serviceList
, supergraphSdl
, and experimental_updateServiceDefinitions
We are omitting serviceList, but we have been running this code for a few months and just started failing yesterday.
gateway = new ApolloGateway({
debug: process.env.GRAPH_GATEWAY_DEBUG.toLowerCase() === 'true',
// Experimental: Enabling this enables the query plan view in Playground.
__exposeQueryPlanExperimental: true,
const graphManagerKey = await getGraphManagerKey();
engine = {
apiKey: graphManagerKey,
graphVariant: process.env.ENVIRONMENT,
sendVariableValues: { all: true },