I copied the book types from the docs into my 2 subgraph schemas. Seems pretty straight forward but they will not compose. I tried a bunch of other variations as well but this seems like an example that should work. Am I doing something incorrect or is the Alpha broken?
[{"message":"Field \\"Book.title\\" can only be defined once.","locations":[{"line":15,"column":3},{"line":48,"column":3}]},{"message":"Field \\"Book.author\\" can only be defined once.","locations":[{"line":16,"column":3},{"line":49,"column":3}]},{"message":"There can be only one type named \\"Book\\".","locations":[{"line":14,"column":1},{"line":47,"column":6}]}]
I am using a schema registry and polling for the schema definitions. maybe there is a bug there?